Sakara Life Wellness Wednesay!

Sakara Life Wellness Wednesday!!
Sakara Life is so much more than (my all-time favorite, most delicious) nourishing food, they have created Wellness Wednesays to build an in-person community, grow education and empowerment. They highlight a different pillar each month and this month is Body + Movement!
Lucky me to be joining the panel of women who are leaders in the fitness sphere to talk about our experiences and share tips for leading a healthy lifestyle.
On the panel: Sara Larson Levey of Y7 Yoga, Heather Anderson of NY Pilates, Alexandra Bonetti Perez of Bari, and ME!
Sakara bites + wine (and, of course, incredible company and community) included in this awesome evening!
Please make sure to RSVP to: wellnesswednesdays@sakaral
By October 31, and let us know if you are planning to bring a friend!
Hope to see you there! xx