Strength in Love

Today and this past week in general was a bit of a roller coaster for me. I had the unfortunate experience of multiple encounters with several “Mean Girls” in the wellness world. To me, the entire concept of that is so SO sad! People who espouse love and togetherness and union and strength and so much positivity are in fact so insecure that they feel the need to hurt others.
Hurt People Hurt People.
This is nothing new. I know the world isn’t perfect, and no one should be put on a pedestal, but I firmly believe in doing my very best to walk my talk, and it always surprises and disappoints me when others don’t do the same. I am not in the habit about writing about negative things, and luckily, this story a happy ending. I said this week was a bit of a roller coaster for me as it had lows AND highs.
This Saturday, I had the honor of participating in my very first Athleta event as a Brand Ambassador. The event was a partnership with Girls on the Run – an amazing non-profit organization dedicated to creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential and is free to boldly pursue her dreams. As you can imagine, this event was amazing on MANY levels.
One of the women from Girls on the Run had us do an exercise they do with their girls. She took out a small blank white piece of paper, and had the first person crinkle it up as she said something we as humans do to tear another down; then, the following person was to smooth the paper out as she said something we can do to build another up. And, as we stood in a circle, the paper got passed to everyone as each of us crinkled and smoothed and said our part. Of course, rather quickly, I started to count odd /even, praying I would land on the “build one another up” turn. Sadly, it was not my lucky day there. As it came to be my turn to crinkle the paper and say something, I said, “ignore someone”. I have no idea where that came from, it just came out.
Ignoring someone is incredibly hurtful. Being heard and seen is one of the easiest ways to allow another person to feel supported, loved, and that THEY MATTER. Everyone matters.
When the paper came full circle, the woman who started it, said, “now look at this paper”, even though it has been smoothed over time and time again, it’s not the same as before it was crinkled, and it never will be. Huh. Powerful stuff. Always think before you speak.
Before you speak, ask yourself, “is it true, is it necessary, is it kind.” ~ Buddha.
A lot of self esteem and self worth would be infinitely higher if each of us asked ourselves this before we spoke or acted. And maybe, just maybe if each of us (reading this blog) DID this, maybe the behavior would allow others to feel that much better about themselves, so that they might be inspired to do the same.
After our circle, the five Athleta Brand Ambassadors were asked to sign the pledge now hanging on the wall in the NYC Flatiron Flagship Store. Eep! What to write! Caught off guard and on the spot for the second time in one day! But, then it came to me, and I wrote:
Strength in Love.
Because Athleta’s new campaign is “The Power of She,” which invites women and girls to stand together, collaborate and put an end to undermining. Athleta aims to create a sisterhood of women and girls fueled by the core belief that alone we are strong, but united we thrive.
What is stronger than love? I can think of no better way to tap into your strength than tapping into your love.
Today and every day, I pledge to: put an end to undermining, lift my fellow sisters, realize my limitless potential, AND move from a place of love.
So, to those women (and men) in wellness who act like mean girls: shame on you. I am sorry that you feel so sorry about yourselves that you need to put other people down. I will not be brought down by you anymore or feel badly about myself because of any mean things you say or do. I will teach my daughters how to be strong women through love, and by lifting up those I encounter.
In the comments below, pretty please tell me what your pledge is. How do you lift others up? I would love to hear, and I know everyone reading will be lifted by hearing your answer!