My Yoga. My City.

How are YOU? WHERE are you?
I, of COURSE, hope you are doing well and staying safe as parts of the world are opening back up.
We had a zoom this week with the school JAX is supposed to attend in the fall, and they ALREADY canceled physical school until 2021 in favor of “virtual learning”, which, for a 2 or 3-year old doesn’t quite add up for me (since the reason for school at that age is socialization)… It made me think long and hard about raising children in NYC. Especially since we all have not been in our home there since March 16th. So, when Grant Henry sent me the above photo of my favorite spot to photograph, I felt so much sadness. Taking a step back, and finding the positive: I am so grateful that before our world crumbled, Grant Henry, and Erica Chen decided to create a work of art. I am honored to be included in it, and their beautiful book baby, “My Yoga. My City.” is now available for pre-order!
In honor of the “My Yoga. My City.” release week, Erica and Grant are excited to announce their first Instagram challenge to help promote their book and raise more awareness about Exhale to Inhale.
Exhale to Inhale was born out of the belief in the power of yoga. Their mission is to bring this powerful tool for healing to survivors of domestic violence & sexual assault while helping communities to develop the skills and knowledge to support them.
By purchasing this book, you are standing with survivors of domestic violence & sexual assault and empowering them with this holistic tool for healing. And for this, we cannot thank you enough.
My Yoga My City Challenge:
The rules are as follows for a chance to win 1 of the 8 copies of MYMC that we are giving away:
1. Follow both My Yoga My City and Exhale to Inhale on Instagram.
2. Post a photo of yourself doing yoga in your city (inside or safely outside) with a caption that shares a little bit about your yoga journey while using the hashtag #myyogamycity
After Erica teaches the final IG Live class for this challenge on Sunday, they will choose 8 inspiring yogis who have entered and announce the winners the following Monday morning!