Bust Anxiety with our CrossFlow App!

Hope you are staying healthy, sane, and safe as our whole world figures out how to “flatten this curve”.
This past week, we have received MANY requests for yoga that can help reduce anxiety and combat frustration, so this weekly catch-up is dedicated to help do just that!
We are currently in the process of collaborating with Dr. Rachel Goldman, Ph.D., FTOS and licensed Psychologist, to do a science-based / medically backed yoga flow for reducing anxiety.
One thing I learned that I LOVE is that: according to Dr. Goldman (or Dr. Rachel as she prefers to be called!), doing cardio and fatiguing the body is good for reducing anxiety. Which means?! CrossFlowX™ is your BFF for anxiety-busting!
This week, we uploaded TWO new CrossFlowX™ videos on the CrossFlow Yoga App that are sure to get your heart rate up, and anxiety levels down!
1. 30 min Detox Flow: Wring out your body, mind, and spirit with this super sweaty detoxifying cardio + strengthening flow. Get rid of anything weighing you down, and create space for all the health, and positivity you desire!
2. 20 min Handstand Tutorial: Use Kriyas and cardio to warm up your body, practice core activation and strengthening, and finally, flip that perspective once and for all! Don’t forget to bring your playfulness, and willingness to LAUGH to this one. Be prepared to sweat, and be prepared to hold yourself up with your own two hands!

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to sign up and get your FREE TWO WEEK TRIAL of our CrossFlow Yoga App and let us know in comments below what YOU want to see on the app next week!
Stream CrossFlow Yoga on your TV, using AppleTV or Chrome Cast, any iPhone or Android device, or on your computer!
Since plans seems to change by the second these days, if you want be up to date on all of the free virtual yoga classes I am teaming up with brands to do, make sure you are following me on Instagram, and never miss a beat!
Have a healthy, happy week!